About the Lovely Moles

Three years ago, I met several delightful women through various online social media sites. After much conversation publicly about our common likes and creativity, we created our own offline conversation through facebook messenger, and since then, the companionship and laughs have never stopped. We’re all very different, quirky, outrageously blunt, and ever-so-slightly opinionated. We figured out pretty quickly that it’s really quite okay to laugh at our flaws and even more, embrace them! We’re not perfect, and sometimes it’s really, really funny!
One of these special women popped up in chat one day and asked, “Did you see what I named our conversation?” And thus the Lovely Moles were born. Here’s why it’s special…

One of the Moles is an Aussie, and one day while slinging the fun back and forth, she called us molls. Then she laughed and laughed (or, LOL’ed…), and told us the word “moll” is Aussie slang for a “less than appealing” woman. Naturally, as all banter dictates, the word stuck. So we all became less-than-appealing, seriously funny, creative and simply beautiful friends: the Lovely Moles!

Note: moll became mole mostly because of autocorrect, and sometimes because it was just funny.

If you’d like to see some of their creative wares, this Mole would be most pleased if you visited their websites:
Mole Carrie belongs to Pawed Couture
Mole Lori belongs to With Bug Love shop and the With Bug Love blog